VCANNY Remote Control Car – A Brand You Can Trust

When it comes to purchasing RC vehicles it can require a lot of time to research which brands to trust and what types are best suited for specific ages and skill levels. One brand that is fairly new I would recommend for a more experienced driver. This would be the VCANNY remote control car that is offered by the brand Redcat.

The VCANNY Model.

Redcat is a new high end brand of premium RC vehicles that is now being introduced on the market. All redcat vehicles are manufactured in Taiwan and focus on delivering the highest level of quality, durability and performance. This brand is targeted towards a more experienced driver. One of the options offered for an RC car experience is the VCANNY. I have read lots of good reviews for this product. Let’s break it down a little further.

VCANNY – Remote Control Car Experience

Many experts have rated this RC car in their top 10 class. That says a lot for this model and manufacturer. As this particular brand has only been around since 2005 they are obviously designing RC cars with you and me in mind. They have taken into consideration the love we all have for this sport and how much time we prefer to be outdoors driving our RC cars and not inside waiting for batteries to charge or waiting for replacement parts to come in the mail. This model gives you just about everything you want in an RC car. It has been manufactured with durable and strong materials that give you the driving experience that brings you the excitement you want. They also give you two batteries along with the vehicle for a more lasting driving experience outdoors. The tires were designed for that little extra bounce when driving over rough terrain that enables jumps especially ones that are achievable with a smaller RC car that can get up to a speed of 30mph. Look out outrageous hill imagination climbing to the top and then back down again. I like it when the imagination is allowed to open to develop some of the most dynamic tracks while driving in the awesome outdoors. Using sticks, rocks, fallen trees, piles of leaves, loose gravel, making ramps from natural resources, tricky turns that make you gasp as you maneuver around scary obstacles. Then all of a sudden a jack rabbit leaps out from a bush you just drove past and your heart skips a beat. Didn’t see that coming. The unpredictable things that make life a little more interesting and memorable. Sweet fond memories you get to share with your closet friends and family members.

VCANNY Model 1/18 scale

Lots Of Off-Road Driving

VCANNY Remote Control Car

When your box arrives at your doorstep you will notice the different driving locations this model offers. You can drive it inside, if you have a basement with a long hallway, although not really recommended. It can be driven outside on all kinds of terrain. It can be driven on asphalt, sandy locations, mountainous terrain and gravel roads. Possible contender for the local competitions. With this scale being 1/18 in size it’s a little smaller than the monster type cars but this gives it the edge for a little more speed at a more affordable price. It’s lightweight at 2.65 lbs and has the ability to go at a speed of 30mph on full throttle using the controller.

Never run out of road.


The VCANNY from Redcat was engineered for a lasting RC car experience. As stated earlier it was manufactured with strong, durable and exceptionally powerful materials and parts to make your RC driving experience more exciting. They have also taken into consideration of how much time we would rather be outside enjoying as much driving time as allowed by putting two batteries in the box giving us a longer run time. Sine I live in a desert type landscape I will let my RC car cool off in the shade as it gets a little warm on the motor which will shut it down when it gets to hot. It’s actually a kind of nice safety feature for keeping my run time longer and safer for the RC vehicle.

A Thrilling Experience

Content goes here. Driving this vehicle will definitely give you some very memorable and thrilling experiences to last for many years. Being able to drive it through sandy beaches, lakefront locations while camping, over skateboard ramps in parks, on mountainous terrain during a walk or hike, over gravel roads while walking to a friends house. The driving terrain is pretty much limitless because you can take it with you to most places and drive for longer periods as long as you remember to bring both batteries. I always like to make videos while out driving to have to keep for years of memories even when the toy itself has been replaced with another model or simply lived out it’s intended lifespan. Plus there is always the chance that the vehicles parts can be used later on for newer models when their parts break and you can use the old ones for spare parts when possible. Sometimes these spare parts will need some adjustments to adapt to another model. This helps save a few dollars and it also gives the experience of learning how to make modifications to keep the current RC cars running.

The Sandy Land RC Redcat Purchase

In conclusion the Sandy Land RC car is a great and valuable investment for RC car driving enjoyment at a reasonable price. It will last for quite sometime as long as you are keeping your routine maintenance on it. It has wonderful qualities and durability with some extra speed to keep climbing up steep hills even on mountain sides for making those exciting jumps over obstacles made by yourself or the ones you didn’t expect from mother nature. Just remember to steer clear of huge boulders, solid objects like the shed in the backyard and falling from a high distance onto solid landing field such as asphalt. Whatever you do, wherever you may drive always try to do it safely and be considerate of the others who are also out enjoying the fresh clean air that we all like to enjoy while outside either camping, swimming, biking, hiking or just being with family. If, you have purchased one of these models please leave comments below. I would love to hear from you and your experience.

4WD Through most terrain.

“When you click on a link in this article, I may make a commission. This in no way affects the price of your purchase nor does it affect my review.”


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